A Play On Journey Home Book

Published on May 23, 2012 by

A Drama Performed by Children On The Journey Home – An Autobiography of An American Swami, A Book by HH Radhanath Swami.

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  • Sumit Sharma 12 years ago

    Thanks for sharing it.

  • madhura 12 years ago


  • Kalpana Kulkarni 12 years ago


  • jaydeep 12 years ago

    I was the lucky awdience of the play on the 75th Prerna festival in Mumbai… This play brought tears in eyes.. It was performed excelltently.. especially the little mataji who narrated the whole pastimes… It makes us sad to hear that this same mataji left us in the Nepal plane crash recently… May Krishna take care and all the devotees who left us in the mishap..

    • Das 10 years ago

      U were indeed lucky

    • Sumit Sharma 8 years ago

      Very lucky. The whole life time story for Radhanath Swami Maharaj is a totally out of the world experience. Every sincere soul seeker must take lessons from his life.

  • Vidya Patham 12 years ago

    Radhanath Swami’s Journey Home book has transformed so many people’s lives. This book launch was also special as it showcased this wonderful drama on Maharaj’s journey beautifully, along with the special souls who were part of the drama.

  • saurabh 12 years ago

    Wonderful video. thanks for sharing

  • Arjun K Ramachandra 12 years ago

    I personally witnessed this excellent drama in mumbai on the occasion of 75th Prerna festival 2 years ago. The compere girl Taruni is especially remarkable in her talents. It is so sad and devastating to hear that she left her body at such a young age in the nepal plane crash last month. Surely Lord Krishna was there to save her in that crisis moment.

    • Jayesh 12 years ago

      Thanks Prof. Arjun , I also share the same feelings like yours. We will surely miss that live performance again ! Hare Krishna !

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 12 years ago

    Wonderful play!

  • Ravi Garg 12 years ago

    Radhanath Swamiji’s journey was so inspiring and so is this short drama enacted by this small children…..These children are already blessed with the best…….Keep it up…..

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 12 years ago

    Wonderfully enacted.

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 12 years ago

    The play has very nicely brought out the difficulties faced by radhanasth Swami on his journey to India and compered very well by this young girl who unfortunately is not with us today as she lost her life in the plane crash in Kathmandu.

  • Jaydeep 12 years ago

    Everytime I watch this video it reminds me the pain and struggle through which our beloved Radhanath Swami Maharaj went through… Thanks a lot for sharing this video..

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 12 years ago

    Superb play on Radhanath Swami’s journey to India

  • Uma Shankar 12 years ago

    Wow!!! Very nice performance, i wish i was there…

  • vaishali kamat 12 years ago

    Wonderful play .. and don’t miss the wonderful compere – Little Taruni ! She was so sweet and loving that the Lord took her to His eternal abode.

  • Madri 12 years ago

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful play with all us. All glories to Radhanath swami.

  • Ravi Garg 12 years ago

    So nice to these kids performing a beautiful drama…..

  • Jagannath Dham Das 12 years ago

    It was one of the best play I ever witnessed. Very heart touching with so much feelings in it !
    Hare Krishna !

  • Padma Lochana 12 years ago

    Radhanath Swami’s Journey Home book has transformed so many people’s lives. Thank you Maharaj for writing such a wonderful Book
    Hare Krishna

  • Sundarkanai das 12 years ago

    Inspite of being a celebrated star in the outside Bollywood world little taruni was so unasuming i happen to witness this once when she came to Poona to see the Sambhavami show. I observed She wasnt critical and judgemental about the show (which generaly expert artists do) although she herself was an excellent artist. We really miss this little angel .

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 11 years ago

    Amazing drama and so emotional that you will have tears in your eyes, specially when we remember little Taruni, the compere, who left us abruptly.

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 11 years ago

    Very well enacted and compered!

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 11 years ago

    Will definitely be enjoyed by one and all!

  • nandkishor das 11 years ago

    dashing performance!!!

  • suresh k 11 years ago

    very nice video,

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 11 years ago

    Super play! Gives you an insight about the book “the Journey Home”. Little Taruni was the compere and she was so dear to the Lord that he took her away to his abode!

  • Rasasindhu 11 years ago

    What a wonderful effort by these kids…….surely Swamiji would have loved to see the drama

  • Anurag Agawal 10 years ago

    This play gives some glimpses of what Radhanath Swami must have gone through to pursue his journey to India and to God. Sure enough we see him repaying back the gift he has got to uncountable people around the globe.

  • Ankit 10 years ago

    Thank You so much for this play. Very Loving and Inspiring. Hare Krishna

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 9 years ago

    Very emotional drama!

  • Jhon 9 years ago

    Very heart touching performance…..thank you..all glories to Maharaj…

  • Piyush Singh 9 years ago

    Wonderful performance by little Vaishnavas. Amazing display of elevated qualities of HH Radhanath Swami.

  • Sumit Sharma 8 years ago

    Very touching show. People who are soul seekers may take lot of lessons of how to become sincere in one’s life from this life story.

  • CS Sandeep S. Shinde 8 years ago

    Wonderful performance by devotees. Thank you very much.
