Radhanath Swami Continuing His Journey

Published on May 12, 2011 by

Radhanath Swami is continuing his journey after reaching India from America. From the many social projects that he is involved with this video shows his contribution to few of them like Mid-Day Meal Program, Barsana Eye Camp, Share Your Care, Bhakti Vedanta Hospital, etc. A heart touching video for all.

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  • Ranganathan 13 years ago

    With such love and compassion the service is being done..

  • Darshan Mehta 13 years ago

    [showRating value=’5′]Very good documentation. Amazing contributions! Radhanath Swami truly has the substance of building communities and healing the world.

  • Sujata 13 years ago

    Radhanath Swami has done so much for the people in India…just his personal life is so inspiring to lead the whole nation to vedic life…what to speak of all the projects he is running for their social and spiritual welfare

  • Sunny 13 years ago

    such a rare saintly soul on earth, we are extremely blessed!

    His deep understanding of vedic teachings and applying them in practice – inline with previous acharyas is something thats rarely found in many so called spiritual organisations today

  • Rasasekhara Dasa 13 years ago

    [showRating value=’5′]Wonderful service by HH Radhanath Swami.

  • Pradeep 13 years ago

    [showRating value=’5′]Excellent

  • Sumit Sharma 13 years ago

    Simply Wonderful Radhanath Swami!!!

  • duruvan 13 years ago

    Hari Bol.. Maharajas compassion has no bounds

  • Madhavi 13 years ago

    Just simply amazing – helping material things to achieve the spirituality in people. Thank you.

  • naresh jethwa 13 years ago

    [showRating value=’5′]Simply Amazing, Thank you Maharaja for everything you have given us.

  • Pramathesh 13 years ago

    Very nice video… Radhanath Swamy fulfilled is promise to the border security officer and has done much beyond that.

  • Swapnil 13 years ago

    All these children will always remeber Krishna and Krishna prasad. Thanks to Radhanath Swami

  • Sanath 13 years ago

    heart touching video…we are so blessed to get association of such a saintly person…

  • Anand 13 years ago

    [showRating value=’5′]It is said that a tree is known by the fruit it bears. I have not had much opportunity to be blessed with Radhanath Swami’s association. But have been blessed with association of his wonderful disciples who are so educated & well placed in their occupation. But still they are so selfless, humble & caring by their nature. They really melt your heart. They just dont care for your bodies but for your soul.
    Thank you Swamiji for your wonderful contribution to this nation which is soon forgetting its vedic roots.

  • Pramathesh Nimkar 13 years ago

    Radhanath swami has fulfilled the promise that he gave to the border security officer.. Very noble !

  • Ravi Garg 13 years ago

    [showRating value=’5′]Swamiji has fulfilled his promise to its fullest extent……he has done immense service to India & its countrymen……….thanks a lot for your dedictaed efforts swamiji……

  • Sanjiv Chandnani 13 years ago

    Radhanath Swami’s way of narration is so humble. He hitch hiked all the way from London to India in search of real goal of life and in search of happiness.

  • Manish Advani 13 years ago

    I wish i could get some prasad from the hands of Radhanath Swami

  • rishi 13 years ago

    This is the best set of projects undertaken by Swamiji for the interest of humanity that takes care of people’s material and spiritual needs. Amazing

  • Arjun K Ramachandra 13 years ago

    Radhanath Swami’s love and compassion for one and all crashes through all barriers of sectarianism and deeply touches the heart of everyone.

  • Piyush Singh 13 years ago

    Beautiful Video. Thanks for uploading this wonderful video giving us a glance of the wholesome care and compassion being executed by Radhanath Swami. A nice example to follow.

  • Manish Advani 13 years ago

    Radhanath Swamis life is very inspiring

  • Meghana vaidya 13 years ago

    Beautiful Video,Thank you Swamiji for your wonderful contribution to change human life.

  • Madhav Govinda 13 years ago

    Very inspiring video

  • MPD 13 years ago

    Simply Amazing

  • Vidya Patham 13 years ago

    Great Video! Enjoyed every moment of it.

  • Neha 13 years ago

    Such an inspiring presentation.. How one single individual having the attitude of service can help so many people in so many ways…Hospitals, school, food..and so on.. He not only does himself but inspires 1000s of others to make service as priority of their life.

  • vinay rachh 13 years ago

    Radhanath swami has fulfilled the promise he gave to the immigration officer at the border when entering India

  • Amol Kulkarni 13 years ago

    Thank you so much Radhanath Swamiji for such wonderful projects

  • Vaibhav Sharma 13 years ago

    Super Hit Documentary !!!

  • anmol londhe 13 years ago

    amazing work..

    thanks for sharing..

  • jayshree shinde 13 years ago

    thanks for sharing such a beautiful video

  • abhijeet mandwade 13 years ago

    it is very inspiring video to those who want their either money or time or both to engage in the service of Lord, as greatest service available on the earth is to serve the devotees of the Lord ant to make people Krsna conscious.

  • Rakesh Chandra 13 years ago

    This Video shows how much love Radhanath Maharaj has for all living beings.

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 12 years ago

    Then many initiatives of ISKCON has been spearheaded by Radhanath Swami who has been the backbone of the projects. These projects have flourished under the able guidance of Radhanath Swami.

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 12 years ago

    Radhanath Swami has inspired so many projects in India and all the good work is personally overseen by him. Kudos to him!

  • Milind M Churi 12 years ago

    We are all grateful to Radhanath Swami for taking such a difficult journey and giving us mercy of The Supreme Personality Godhead.The spiritual care department of the Bhaktivedant Hospital inspired by Radhanath Swami is the best.

  • Ravi Garg 11 years ago

    Wonderful video….

  • Vinay Malani 10 years ago

    HH Radhanath Swami’s spiritual journey to India is remarkable & very inspiring, especially for those of us who are born in India and yet do not value our spiritual heritage of Sanatan dharma.

  • Piyush Singh 9 years ago

    Such a nice example for everyone to follow and at least contribute in what ever way possible.

  • Jeff Smith 9 years ago

    this is just inspiring. He is like a celebrity but still so humble.

  • Prashant 9 years ago

    Very very inspiring to see nice example for whole society. Thank you for sharing this.

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 9 years ago

    ISKCON is involved in many social projects bringing succour to thousands of people. Great job!

    • Piyush Singh 8 years ago

      True. Millions of people are benefited by the praise worthy initiatives run by ISKCON.

  • CS Sandeep S. Shinde 9 years ago

    Very nice video. Thank you very much HH Radhanath Swami.

  • Piyush Singh 8 years ago

    A very useful point Anand. I agree cent percent with what you said. We really can feel the qualities of HH Radhanath Swami in his disciples.

  • Kalpana Kulkarni 8 years ago

    Radhanath Swami leads by example by envisioning various social projects! Wonderful initiatives!
