Radhanath Swami speaking at the University of Texas in Dallas on the topic “Yoga and Ecology”.
Published on September 2, 2013 by Radhanath Swami
Category Wisdom Talks
Tag dallas radhanath swami speaking university of texas yoga and ecology
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Very informative!
This is very wonderful and very inspiring class. Thanks Maharaja for enlightening us with your wisdom.
Yes. I always get mesmerized by hearing lectures of Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
Amazing lecture!
Important, informative and inspiring lecture. All glories to HH Radhanatha Svami Maharaja.
Very true! Answers by Radhanath Swami Maharaj are always inspiring and hope giving. If we keep hearing from him on a regular basis, we can surely make great advancements in spiritual life.
This is very relevant in todays scenario and we have to learn a lot from it.
Yea.. very relevant and useful.
Wonderful video.
Yoga is an important aspect of our life, Radhanath Swami trains a lot of people how to adopt it, he is pretty good at this!
Well said Pradeepji! Even in his world famous books he teaches us what it takes to lead a life of character and values which are completely missing in today life.
Wonderful discourse by HH Radhanath Swami.
Hare Krishna
Beautiful discourse. HH Radhanath Swami beautifully emphasizes the point of seeing all the living beings as the spark of that supreme father. This wisdom is very important to be understood and practiced by everyone. If we understand the bigger picture of this creation the ecology overall will be balanced automatically.
Yes very true! And Lord Shri Krishna says in Bhagav Gita 5.18 that a real yogi sees with equal vision a cat, or a dog or an elephant and he is the real seer.
Wonderful wisdom. It’d be really great if more and more people start understanding and practicing this wisdom. Thanks for sharing.
That’s true! And best to make people aware about this is to preach them about reading wonderful books by Srila Prabhupad where he has very honestly and clearly specified realities of life and what it takes to lead a life full with compassion.
very nice class thanks for sharing hare krishna
Wonderful and insightful video.
Amazing video! Wonderful story to begin with!
Radhanath Swami nicely brings in the aspect of relationship of every thing with God. When we understand the relationship of every creation with the creator then sanctity and protection of ecology is automatically established.
Great point here! And we can purify ecology of our hearts by hearing spiritual discourses from great saints like Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
Awesome presentation ! Very useful to protect the ecology of our heart which naturally reflects in protection of ecology of this planet…!
So true.
Very true. Only when ecology of our heart is clean, can we have purified ecology outside. Wonderful lecture by Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
Radhanath Swami addressing the root cause of cleansing of hearts of people which automatically brings in the consciousness of external cleaning helping the ecology.
That’s very true! Only when we purify ecology of our innerself, can we purify outside environment, where everyone can live peacefully,
Very nice video. Thank you very much.
I learned yoga from Radhanath Swami
There should be good balance between Yoga and Ecology. Yoga is about character as Radhanath Swami has rightly mentioned . We should use Yoga to clean the Ecology within our hearts and apply these principles Universally
Very true Navinji! Today, people are trying to exploit natural resources upto any extent because their hearts are filled with exploitative tendencies. However, if we look at scriptures, we will find how great saints and kings were always of exalted characters and everyone in their kingdoms were always happy and peaceful.
Wonderful video. Thank you very much for sharing.
Amazing lecture by Radhanath Swami Maharaj!!! Unless we purify the ecology of the heart, we cannot create a peaceful world. Only when we combine yoga with ecology of the heart, we can create people with good character and then ecology of the world automatically gets sanctified.